Broker page

International business  firm helping your company find its way.

Referral Partner Program

The N.I.E. Group with our roots in consulting and finance.  We are commercial consulting specialists and will help you through the loan process, providing services for your convenience,and unmatched customer service.

Referral Partner Relations

As a mortgage broker or loan officer, The NIE Group  fully appreciates the added value you deliver to your client relationships and we are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and world-class customer service. Brokers are always protected with The NIE Group..

Our Commitment to Brokers

We are fully committed to providing world-class service to our network of brokers. Here are just a few examples:

Speed: We understands the demands of borrowers and will work diligently with you to seek a quick approval that meets the client needs.

Please email requesting the broker approval application form to  or press the download link here: